Cat owners are being offered free  neutering for their felines in a bid to reduce the number of abandoned and stray moggies.

One of the key aims of Croydon Branch of Cats Protection is to promote and support the neutering of cats and kittens from four-month’s-old for a lot of reasons, but mainly because getting your cats done is good for them.

Thornton Heath has a poor take-up of the Cats Protection free neutering service and spokeswoman Jackie Forbes, explains the reasons why it is so important: “There are so many unwanted homeless cats that end up with us and other animal charities. Neutering helps reduce this number, and it’s good for your cat’s health.

“Neutering reduces behaviour such as spraying as well as reducing fighting injuries and the resulting vet bills. A neutered cat is less likely to wander and get lost or injured on the road and neutering reduces the risk of diseases the cat can get from mating.”

There are many myths around neutering of cats – for example it is not true that female cats need at least one litter before being neutered. Cats can breed from four months of age and females can produce up to 18 kittens a year. 

Jackie added: “You just have to do the sums to realise what a population explosion there could be without neutering, and it’s just as important to have the males neutered as well as the females.”

If you would like to know more about neutering your cat have a look on the charity’s website There is a  help and advice section, where you can download neutering advice leaflets in English plus 12 other languages.

If you live in the Croydon area and need help with the cost of neutering your cat(s) Croydon Cats Protection are running a free neutering scheme – for more information call their Neutering line: 07393 796201 or email