“Being a young person has its ups and downs, one reason I appreciate being a young person is you get to have fun a lot, but as you hear nearly every week one child is dying one after the other because of knife crime.

“Becoming a young person you go through many changes e.g. hormones changing and transitioning from primary to secondary. I know when I first started secondary I was scared, frightened and anxious, but I promise you there was no need to be scared. When you get to secondary school you learn more things like you start to feel weird around girls or boys. Going to school in Croydon is just, I don’t actually know? To grow up in Croydon is fun but it will get to a certain age where you just want to leave because of all the killings, gangs and acid attacks happening around Croydon.

“As a young person living in Croydon I think that the police need to up their game. From past experience with police I feel like they are only look out to target kids in with hoodies, because of the clothes they wear they are automatically targeted as being up to no good.”

Joshua aged 13, More Than Able Ambassador for the Music Relief Foundation